

Snake Tattoo Design

Snake Tattoo Designs and Meaning

Snake has the most complicated and the most ancient symbolism among all fauna representatives. Its symbolism consists of several components such as agricultural, sexual, mystical and philosophical. Snake tattoo designs, therefore, are diverse, the pattern depending on the meaning you choose. The most frequently named meanings are wisdom, passion, intuition, physical and spiritual rebirth.

In Ancient times people believed that snake keeps in touch with earth and water mysteries, darkness and the other world. It is often portrayed as solitary, reserved creature, often venomous, moving quickly and being able to swallow animals much bigger than it is.

Snake as a symbol has dual nature; it implies both creation and destruction, both security and danger, and the unity of opposites. On the one hand, it acts as a symbol of the powers that created life and sometimes stands for the Creator. Its curved body means spiral movement of the universe, and if a snake is depicted biting its own tail we see the symbol of eternity as well as self-sufficiency of the universe.

Snake Tattoo Designs and Meaning

On the other hand, snake is the source of destruction in the world. It was accused of people’s losing eternal life, as in the story of Adam and Eve. Moreover, snake is often dangerous itself and can act as an emblem of death and chaos. In this meaning the snake (cobra, in particular) is pictured vertically with a large hood, or with its mouth open and ready to bite. Snake is also prototype of all the dragons and sea serpents from the western folklore.

Snake Tattoo Designs and Meaning

Oriental cultures ascribe positive connotations to the snake. Snakes often appear to guard sacred places, water springs and treasures. There’s a belief that precious stones are made of snake’s saliva. Moreover, snakes symbolize rejuvenation, taken into account into ability to shed skin. Nowadays medical symbols include snakes in their designs.

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